

max 4h



Start Sunday 08th June 2025 at 08.30 am from Forno di Zoldo
Time limit 4 hours
Time barrier 11.30 am - Dont (about km 14)
Finish 12.30 pm - Forno di Zoldo


22 kilometers of small, surprising discoveries.
The most runnable of the major DXT races, that allows you to admire the Dolomite landscape under a different guise: high rocky walls, but also the encounter with the local tradition and culture of small and unique villages, available to those who walk the territory.

Departure from DXT Village in Forno at 850 m above sea level.
After the initial 2 km that lead to the Pratoront plain, you reach Pralongo at 1000 m above sea level (4th km); near the church, take the road the uphill forest-pastoral road which reaches the Vach lake (6th km). Continue on the steep path up to the scree of Vant dei Gravinai and to the Val Barance saddle, the highest point at 1670 m asl (9th km). From here the descent begins, first on a path and then on a white road that leads to the Dont refreshment point (14th km). Go up to Villa, then to Astragal (17th km) on the silvo-pastoral road. With a short climb and then descent you reach Casal.
The last 2 km on asphalt cross the villages of Bragarezza, Pra, Sommariva and Campo and finally the finish in Forno.
The total height difference is about 1300 m.