

max 4h



Type competitive race / non competitive race
Participation athletes born in 2009 and earlier
Start Sunday 09th June 2024 at 08.30 am from Forno di Zoldo
Time limit 4 hours
Finish 12.30 pm - Forno di Zoldo


Four hours maximum time to travel the old mule tracks that connect the natural villages of the Val di Zoldo with the surrounding lush woods. A magnificent and exciting race that allows you to come into close contact with the everyday life of Val di Zoldo and that will certainly increase the desire to discover these fairytale places.
The race aims to bring more and more mountain running lovers, for this reason you may choose between the competitive and the non-competitive version of our 11k. To non-competitive participants will the timekeeping be guaranteed, but not the listed in final rankings. Non-competitive participants do not need to present the medical certificate. Its a great opportunity to compete only with yourself, however driven by the enthusiasm of many other runners and always supported by a high level organization.

Finisher prize.

All athletes who complete 22K and 11K races will be awarded with the convenient backpack that will accompany you during your training sessions, in the color that characterizes the race you have completed: green for the 22K and orange for 11K. With a capacity of 20 liters and a practical double bottle holder, it will allow you to carry everything you need with you

Premio finisher 22k 11k


Departure from DXT Village in Forno at 850 m above sea level.
After the initial 2 km that lead to the Pratoront plain, you reach Pralongo at 1000 m above sea level (4th km). Continue for another km on the road to Colcerver and then join the path which, through the Lavazé forest, descends to the Dont refreshment point (6th km). Go back up to Villa on a short asphalt stretch, then on an undulating forest-pastoral road up to Astragal (9° km).
With a short climb and then descent you reach Casal, then Cella, Campo and finally the arrival in Forno.
The total altitude difference is about 700 m.